Character Research
Below is a character breakdown that was created by both Kim and David.
Daisy Hilton – 23 at beginning of show, African American - conjoined twin. Wants to become a celebrity and however she needs to do that, she will. She has created a public persona that shows her excitement for show business, but inside she wants to be like every other girl. She wants to smoke, drink, date, get married and live life comfortably in the public eye while always being with her sister. She would never leave her sister even though she may daydream about being separated, she is completely devoted to her sister. She never believed that she could be anything other than a freak, but she had dreams to be more.
Violet Hilton – 23 at beginning of show, African American- conjoined twin. The more reserved of the twins. She wants to settle down and get married. She is quiet and keeps her opinions to herself unless necessary. She wishes she was not a side show freak, but a normal woman who can have a picket fence happy family. She would never leave her sister even though she may daydream about being separated, she is completely devoted to her sister. She never believed that she could be anything other than a freak, nut she wanted a life that someone would love her and she could create a family with.
Terry Conner – late 30s, White- a determined man who wants to find the next big act to prove his own worth. He could convince almost anyone to do as he wanted, and if not, he will find a way around that problem. The acts that he works for are his first priority and will ultimately do whatever he can to make sure that they are happy and healthy. He keeps his personal feelings private because he does not want them to interfere with his work or his public appearance.
Buddy Foster –mid 20s, White - He has a bright naiveite that makes him optimistic yet without fully thinking through the big picture. He is idealistic about how his own performing capabilities but knows that if he joins a better act, he can make it big. He enjoys helping others, but is cautious about changing dynamics and altering relationships. He will put his livelihood and his aspirations before any romantic infatuations that he might feel, unless they help him further his career.
Jake – mid 30s, African American- the assigned caretaker for Daisy & Violet when they are in the Side Show but develops a real connection with them. He honestly wants only what is best for both Violet & Daisy and will do what he can to help them, including disagreeing with them. He walks the line of being a strong man and aggressor, but really cares for the girls and wants to protect them.
Sir – early50s-60s, White - not only the ringmaster of the circus, but also the caretaker and legal (or illegal) guardian of Daisy & Violet. He is a hypnotizing personality in the public eye, but leads the Side Show and takes care of the girls with an iron fist. He chooses to be feared rather than respected. Sir keeps the girls as his cash cow. He trains and teaches them various skills not to enrich their lives, but to make them more alluring and charming so that more people will pay to see them. He sees no fault in his actions.
Other Characters
Tod Browning – movie producer for Freaks, approaches them for movie opportunity
Harry Houdini – gives advice on how to be separated in their minds
Ray – almost a love interested, but obviously gay dancer, interested in Buddy
Sir’s Lawyer – helps sir create the lie that Sir has been lovingly caring for the girls since their mother left them with Auntie.
Auntie – abusive adoptive caretaker who took the girls after their biological mother did not want them. She repeatedly physically hurts the girls and refuses to separate the twins solely so she can continue to make money off of them.